Monday, December 8, 2008

abstract. revised

I had posted a story earlier, but for some reason the other day this idea popped into my mind. It seemed kind of dark at first, but the more I thought and wrote it, the more I wanted to see where it lead.
The idea came to me in the form of a title. "The Interview" was the name that came to mind.
It would be a short story that would hopefully get people thinking in a subtle way. It is about someone who has a chance to interview the adversary. The questions are how? and why? How is he planning to try and disrupt the plan, and why would these things work. I want to bring these subjects to the front of the minds of the readers with out accusing anyone of anything. I will post a little bit on the drafts blog. Tell me what you think


Cynthia Hallen said...

I look forward to seeing the story in our other blog. Revision credit earned for the abstract, but I would like some specific details soon.

girl with freckles said...

I like the idea - very screwtape letters-y. I'll be interested to see what you do with it.

Reina Clark said...

I really like this idea because it is different from what people would expect, and perhaps the best way to know would be to interview him. This story would also help the readers to really think about what questions would be asked and what the answers would be to help us overcome his trickeries in the end.