Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Living a Christ-Centered Life. Cindy Hurst. Conference Abstract (Revised)

Living a Christ-Centered life
Modified to become the David O’Mckay Essay


Becoming Like Christ: The Constant Journey


Christ came to the earth proclaiming these simple words: “Come, unto me”. What an extraordinarily simple command, for such a life changing movement. His knowledge is the purest of knowledge. When we choose to follow Christ, we are stepping above man’s logic, and are appealing to a much higher knowledge—a self-less, love-centered knowledge. If we choose to follow him, we will find far greater meaning, purpose, and direction in our lives. However, choosing to follow him is only the first step. It is in the constant journey towards becoming like him that we truly feel a deep change of heart.


My goal is to be able to explain to others the great truths that I have learned in my quest to live a Christ-Centered life, with emphasis on it being a constant journey. We cannot hope to simply maintain. We must keep moving forward or else we will find ourselves struggling.


As a narrative. I will reflect on important events in my life that brought me on a new path to follow Christ, when I had lost my way from lack of a constant progression. Also included will be important doctrines that helped me to come closer to Christ. I will relate these experiences to the mountains, and explain some
powerful metaphors in my life that have helped me understand the journey in becoming Christ-like, including how constant movement is necessary to become a good skier as much as it is to become like Christ.

Anticipated results:

By living with the constant goal of progressing towards Christ, a person can expect to have feeling of peace and stillness in their life. They will more readily feel the spirit, and experience the blessings that come with choosing to be righteous. They will also find greater strength to overcome adversities that may approach them.


kaitlyn.e said...

Good job. Your purpose is clear, your points are concise, and your title is descriptive. Watch out for a few grammatical mistakes (e.g., "a person [singular]...their [plural]").

Cynthia Hallen said...

Will the essay have sub-themes or sub-sections? The topic matches the theme of our course perfectly.

Cynthia Hallen said...

Thank you for the thoughtful comments you posted for classmates in our drafts website. I am very happy to have become acquainted with you as a writer and a person. I can identify with your attitudes and experiences. Your words thus help me better understand and accept myself.