Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Simplicity in the Gospel - Getting Back to the Basics (revised)

Eleventh Annual BYU Religious Education Student Symposium
Simplicity in the Gospel – Getting back to the Basics

The theme for my essay will be the simplicity of the Gospel and the happiness that lies therein. My focus will be using doctrinal reminders to shed light onto the straightforwardness of the Gospel and the joy that results from these simple truths. As Latter-Day Saints, we are given pure and basic truths, and we tend to think “this is too easy, salvation should be difficult to achieve.” We corrupt these plain and simple truths with details, and we occasionally need reminders to simplify our lives and views on the Gospel. I will compile the advice and commandments given concerning the plain nature of the Gospel and plan of happiness. The paper will be based on the scriptures and words from modern day prophets, seers, and revelators (conference talks, ensign articles, etc.).


kaitlyn.e said...

Great topic! Could you make the background information more concise? It seems to be a large chunk of your proposal. You certainly aren't shy about the topic, and it is certainly one that needs to be remembered. Good job.

Cynthia Hallen said...

I also think that the topic is timely, especially after Elder Perry's talk in General Conference. How will you organize the presentation?

Anonymous said...

The topic couldn't be more appropiate. The basics of the gospel is what Jesus taught during his earthly mission.
I have a suggestion for your paper: the Book of Mormon is all about the basics of the gospel and I guess you should focus that fact. In the Book of Mormon we don't find the advanced doctrines like the doctrine of temples and their ordinances. You only find the basic doctrines of Salvation by the atonement of Jesus Christ, and that is what makes people happy. The success of four generations after the visit of Jesus to the lands of what today is the American continent, shows that the basics of the gospel when practiced individually and in society brings happiness and peace to people.
I personally agree with you that we need to go back to the basics in our daily living.