Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Development into a Vegetarian Soul

Eneas: Today I enjoyed a wonderful breakfast!
Jean-Pierre: Really! What did you have?
Eneas: I had delicious omelets with bacon, orange juice, some pancakes and fruit salad.
Jean-Pierre: That sounds terrific! with just one exception.
Eneas: Which is...?
Jean-Pierre: Bacon.
Eneas: What's wrong with it?
Jean-Pierre: It is pork.
Eneas: For sure it is pork! what's wrong with that.
Jean-Pierre: Well, I don't eat pork.
Eneas: Why?
Jean-Pierre: It is my religion.
Eneas: What do you mean with "your religion"? I know you are a mormon, and mormons do eat pork. What the heck are you talking about?
Jean-Pierre: Well, let me explain you a little bit. There are two things, two reasons.
Eneas: Speak up! I really want to know your reasons, being that you are a smart guy, I really want to know what reasons are holding you back of enjoying the delicious taste of pork.
Jean-Pierre: There it is, one of the reasons. I do not like the taste of pork.
Eneas: Are you kidding me!
Jean-Pierre: No, I'm not kidding you, and there is more to the story.
Eneas: Now you are really intriguing me, I want to know that story.
Jean Pierre: Well, I come from a normal family of meat eaters, starting with my mother who thinks that red meat or any kind of meat is the perfect nutritious food. So, I grew up eating red meat, chicken, fish and from time to time also pork. However, as far as I remember, I never liked the taste of pork.
One day, when I was 15 I told my mother about my decision of not eating pork anymore for the rest of my life. She was surprised about my decision. When she asked me why I refused to eat pork, I simply told her that I did not like its taste. She simply could not understand it.
Eneas: I agree with her, pork is really delicious.
Jean-Pierre: But, I also told her that I knew that porks were raised under usually unsanitary conditions. I guess back in my mind I also developed some aversion to pork because of that.
Eneas: C'mon Jean Pierre, when we cook it we kill all bacteria.
Jean-Pierre: Well, to make a long story short, one day she prepared pork, but she disguised it cutting it in very small pieces and spicing it, so I could not feel the real taste.
Eneas: did you eat it?
Jean-Pierre: Of course I ate it! However that night I got sick. The next morning I was still sick and went to the doctor.
Eneas: What did the doctor say?
Jean-Pierre: After examining, he asked me: "what did you eat yesterday?, did you eat pork?"
Eneas: What did you answer him?
Jean-Pierre: Well, I told him that I had not eaten pork. I didn't know what my mother had done.
Eneas: Then, what happened?
Jean-Pierre: When I got back home, I told my mother exactly what the doctor had asked me, and also what I had answered him. Then, my mother confessed to me that she had given me pork the day before.
Eneas: Really! In other words the pork made you sick!!!
Jean-Pierre: Yes, and my mother learned her lesson, since that day she never gave me pork again.
Eneas: Now, I understand you better but it is not because of your religion, it is because pork makes you sick!
Jean Pierre: Eneas, I believe in living the Word of Wisdom and to me that implies that I must avoid anything that makes me sick.
Eneas: Now I understand much better why you said it was because of your religion.
Jean Pierre: Great!, but you know what? The story does not end there.
Eneas: What? Is there more? What can that be?
Jean Pierre: Even though I did not eat pork, my mother kept feeding me with red meat, chicken and fish, and over the years I started to develop some kind of aversion to any kind of meat.
Eneas: Really! No, that can't be, you are kidding me.
Jean-Pierre: No Eneas, I'm not kidding you. Progressively over the years I did not feel like eating meat. I tried to avoid meat and when I had meat on my plate I usually ate half of it or maybe less.
Eneas: Are you serious?!
Jean-Pierre: I am. I just didn't feel like eating meat. Sometimes I have thought in becoming a vegetarian.
Eneas: Hold on, hold on, ...... a vegetarian?
Jean-Pierre: Yes, Eneas, I feel like I want to be a vegetarian, and I can tell you more.
Eneas: More!!!
Jean-Pierre: Yes Eneas, there is more. Anytime I have to pick a restaurant I look for a vegetarian restaurant.
Eneas: Jean Pierre, you have a problem.
Jean-Pierre: What do you mean?
Eneas: You cannot marry a meat-eater girl.
Jean-Pierre: Well, I still eat meat in low amounts, but to me the less the better. It is not that I hate meat, well, I hate it when I have it in large amounts on my plate, but if I have a very small amount of it, is still Ok. To me I wouldn't miss meat on my plate if it wouldn't be there.
Eneas: Well, you still have another problem, and this one is worse than the other one.
Jean-Pierre: What is it?
Eneas: Indecision. You are like that part of Shakespeare's play that says "to be or not to be, that is the question".
Jean-Pierre: ha, ha, ha, I hadn't thought about it in that way. I guess I am ready to become a vegetarian, but I don't have the right motivation to take that step.
Eneas: I see.
Jean-Pierre: I guess I need two vegetarian missionaries to teach me about vegetarianism, to come over to my house to give me the lessons and challenge me to take that step into the waters of vegetarianism. I feel like I am ready, but not motivated enough to take that step by myself.
Eneas: Nice comparison, but I do not know anybody in this world of God that goes around like mormon missionaries trying to convert people to vegetarianism. I guess there is a more practical solution.
Jean-Pierre: And what is it?
Eneas: Simple. Just marry a vegetarian girl!
Jean Pierre: I guess you are right, I just need to find one and that is not an easy task in this Utah-meat-eating world.
Eneas: You may try
Jean-Pierre: Are you kidding me?
Eneas: Yes, I am kidding you. I don't even know if that website exists, but who knows.
Jean-Pierre: Anyway, it is a good idea. I'll check that address out and I will let you know.


Cynthia Hallen said...

This is an entertaining dialogue. I really like the part about the Vegetarian missionary discussions. It was clever and made me laugh. I was a vegetarian for a while just before and after I joined the church, but in Colorado I ate meat for strength and energy to kayak, rockclimb, and packback. The vegetarian girl in our group was struggling.

C Tam said...

I also enjoyed section on vegetarian missionary discussions. There is a group that tries to "convert" people to vegetarianism--PETA. I just googled their homepage and it had horrific pictures of hog farms--just in case you wanted to strengthen your resolve, feel free to check it out. Several of my cousins (active LDS) are vegetarians, but married already, or I would introduce you...=)

Anonymous said...

Courtney, thanks for your comments. I visited PETA website two years ago when I was researching about factory farming, and it is true, after watching those videos one doesn't feel like eating meat anymore. I am definitely against of factory farming. To learn more against factory farming you also can visit