Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Of Holistic Medicine and Museum Zen (revised)

In composing my observation of the Education in Zion exhibit, I kept coming back to the aesthetics of the experience. The principles of art and elements of design that were employed in the creation and curating of that exhibit resulted in a feeling of general awe and humility. I was alone in the exhibit, and my footsteps echoed as I made my way through the years of struggle, history, and quiet perseverance that led to my university experience. My eyes were drawn to powerful paintings with strong compositions evoking emotions of quiet strength and measured energy. The texture drew my attention away from the content - brick, wood with a finish that left the grain visible, and metal framing moved my eyes from story to story and photograph to photograph. I was reminded of holistic medicine's belief that late summer is a time when the yin and yang are balanced in nature; the elements of metal and wood correspond. My observations that day came as did my experience - an abstract, reflective crescendo:

wood, metal, footsteps
awe and inspiration come
in rev'rent balance


Anonymous said...

Yin and yang, metal and wood, two different manifestations of nature. I never thought about the fact that they may balance at any time of the year. There must be more to learn about that relation. Could you tell us a little bit more and what it means to you?

Cynthia Hallen said...

Good focus. Tell us more about the principles of art and the paintings that you saw?