Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Revised Abstract

Title: The Naturalization of a Citizen of the World (or, Travels)


I was originally planning to do a re-write of a paper I wrote for my IAS 220 class on AIDS in Senegal; however, once the Mayhew contest was announced in class I started toying with the idea of doing a series of shorter poems instead. In these poems, I will attempt to capture both the feel of and (parts of) my experiences in different countries to which I have traveled.


To artfully recreate and share what I have experienced and learned through my travels.


I will use different poem styles (haiku, hymn, free, and others) to capture the feel of different countries and present them in a series.


Reina Clark said...

I think that these experiences will bring diversity into your poem not only that they are unique to you but also because they are in different places as well. How exciting!

crtchad said...

oh this idea sounds so cool. Are you going to have each different type of poem represent the different countries you have been to? That would be cool.