Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spiritual & Intellectual Quest

Spiritual Quest

My spiritual quest is to be happy as I live the commandments of God. My quest is a conglomeration of recognizing the Lord in my life and trying to learn and become what he would have me learn and become. As I reflect on my spiritual quest I see that there are many constants that permeate my life that bring me joy and peace. Some of these constants are: prayer, church attendance, scripture reading, and random tender mercies of the Lord. These constants always bless my life and help me to grow spiritually. I find that often my quest does not go where I want it to go, but rather my Father shows me what I need to know. My quest for spiritual growth and happiness has most recently been defined by God’s tender mercies. For example:
· Conference talks at school
· Exercise science reading packet
· Interacting with the Missionaries at the MTC (Himnos y más)

These experiences have helped me to grow closer to the Lord on a daily basis. Furthermore, they have helped to give me the hope and courage necessary for life’s daily adventures.

Intellectual Quest

My intellectual quest has been to gain lasting knowledge rather than just fleeting factual information. I want to learn the subject material thoroughly. I do not want to cram for a test and lose all of that knowledge two weeks down the road. My quest is truly to learn. I do not know where I read this quote, but it exemplifies my quest. “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” If I fail to prepare and do not study well, I will not learn. I may pass a test but the knowledge I seek will not stay with me. My intellectual quest this semester has led me to study with a purpose and do beyond the bare minimum required for the coveted “A” grade. As I have approached learning with a more long term point of view, I have noticed that I enjoy my classes much more and I am truly gaining a working knowledge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you want to learn for the sake of learning and I am glad that you have understood the difference between getting a diploma and getting an education.
You are in the right track.
Thank you for sharing.