Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Don't need money. Don't take fame (Revised)

I didn't know why i only wanted to go to one semester of college my freshman year. It would have made much more sense to stay. All my friends and roommates were staying, after all. I was enjoying my classes, my ward, and otherwise having an all around good time. I don't even remember praying specifically about whether or not i should put in my mission papers early, i just knew that it was the right thing to do. I can honestly say that i did not think my decision to put my papers in at that time would hold any grand significance for my life, or be a huge decision. I was wrong.

I don't know what would have happened if i had decided to go on my mission when everyone else did. But i do know what would not have happened; the best thing that has ever happened to me. Had i not gone on my mission when i did, i would never have met my sweetheart.

Who would have know that i was going to meet my future wife in the very last place i expected. She was just another Sister Missionary to me, at first. But as i got to know her and her reputation, i soon found that she was an honest, hardworking, genuine person that had a great deal of energy and a thirst for life. In a word, Sister Morgan was spunky. Even on the mission, though, i never realized that she would be my eternal companion and friend; the melody of my future.

My life has unfolded into what it will be for the rest of my days, just because of a decision that i made for no apparent reason at all. In all the days since the day i made my decision, i have never regretted that it. Not once. I have never and will never regret it because i know that no matter what else i could have done, or where else i could have gone, or who else i could have known, none of that, with all its great promise and potential could have been worth one moment of being with my Jacque.

And the best part of it is i think she likes me, too.


Breighlin said...

Hearing this up in Aspen Grove was beautiful! I absolutely adore it. I don't know your wife, but I know how much I loved it. It would be a fabulous birthday present!

CRogerson said...

Good work Mark. I can actually see you pondering while you reflect on these events. I like the flow and feel of it as one of your most cherished memories. Some questions to consider if you decide to elaborate on this, how did your courtship unfold? Did you ever find out why you only wanted to go to one semester of college your freshman year? Do you think it was the Holy Ghost? Why did you consider the mission field as the last place you would find her? Just some ideas that may help. Very good writing though Mark.

Cynthia Hallen said...

I really like the sincerity and pure focus of this piece. I liked hearing it, and I like reading it. I liked the urban golf one also, but it's good to see another side of you.

kaitlyn.e said...

This is really great. I love that you begin by telling us what you didn't know, then what you don't know, and then finally what you do know. Great structure to a great story. I love your description "The melody of my future." Is must a big part of your life? Or hers? Even if it isn't, I think it is a wonderful image of what marriage is.

Anonymous said...

Great!, I really loved reading this post. Good job Mark, I wouldn't change anything.

The final sentence is like a grand finale, so candid, so simple, so honest, so humble, so great. Nice job.

Cynthia Hallen said...

Full credit earned.