Monday, September 22, 2008

Love and Let Go (Revised) Blog #3

Pure love,
Has no sticky fingers.

The sorrow of giving up
Surpassed by proxy joy
And yet, I can feel it
Becoming real.

This wooden soul
Has roots after all.
Growth was impossible
Without love-fertilizer.

And what the gardener saw,
But I could not,
Was that these leafless branches,
Were only the product of a season in my life.

I will continue making age rings.
Some thinner,
Such were my desert times.

But Trust,
That the earth continues spinning.
And spring will come.
The flowers know it,
And lilies don’t lie.

Consider these lilies
Here in this valley.
And trust that the Lord
Will not forget his tree-nymph.


kaitlyn.e said...

"This wooden soul
Has roots after all."


Cynthia Hallen said...

I like the image of a life making age-rings, like a tree. And I also know that Spring will come.